Bahrain Islamic Bank
is a commercial bank based in Manama, Bahrain, founded on 7 March 1979, and started operating from the beginning of the Hijri Year 1400 (2nd of Muharram) which was the 22 November 1979.It is the first islamic bank in the Kingdom of Bahrain, works under supervision of the Central Bank of Bahrain and is listed on the Bahrain Stock Exchange.In January 2016, the Moody's Investors Service confirmed its ratings and upgraded the standalone baseline credit assessment (BCA) to b3 from caa1
National Bank of Bahrain (NBB) was established in 1957 as the first indigenous bank in Bahrain
They are a nationwide network of 25 branches, 61 ATMs, and over 4,000 points of sale terminals in addition to their branches in Abu Dhabi and Riyadh.
Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding Company (Bahrain) 49%, The Pension Fund Commission (Bahrain) 6.24%.
NBB in growth
NBB is publicly listed on the Bahrain Bourse with a strong local stakeholder profile. Owned 44.94% by private and institutional shareholders, 44.18% Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding Company, wholly-owned by the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain, and 10.88% by the Social Insurance Organisation.
NBB is a majority stakeholder (78.81%) of Bahrain Islamic Bank (BisB), which was a result of a strategic development plan to expand our presence in the Islamic Banking market, further enabling us to become more relevant in Sharia-compliant businesses and geographies.
Our efforts are focused on capturing business opportunities locally, regionally and internationally and our Abu Dhabi and Riyadh branches lead the way in this initiative.
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